History of Temple

History of Temple

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જગતજનની મા વરદાયીની ના એક માત્ર શાસ્ત્રોક્ત પૌરાણિક પુરાવા રૂપ માઇ મંદિર જે ભલે ૫૧ શક્તિપીઠના મુખ્ય સ્થાનક માં સ્થાન પ્રાપ્ય નથી. | જ્યાં દરેક શારદીય નવરાત્રી એટલે ગુજરાતીમાં આસો શુદ નવમી એટલે કે નવમા નવરાત્રી ની મધ્યરાત્રી બાદ વરદાયિની માતાજી નો સુપ્રસિધ્ધ પલ્લી માં લાખો મણ શુદ્ધ ઘી નો અભિષેક વરદાયિની માતા જી ની પલ્લી ઉપર લાખો ભાવિક ભક્તો પોતાની શ્રધ્ધા અને માં વરદાયિની ના આશિષ થી કૃત પલ્લવીત થયેલા ભાવિક ભક્તો દર વર્ષે પલ્લી યાત્રા માં અભિષેક કરે છે
Shri Vardayini Mata Yatra Dham
The only scriptural and mythological evidence of Jagatjan’s mother Vardayi is the temple which is not located in the main station of the 51 Shaktipeeth. But with the faith and faith of millions of devotees in the world, the temple is a beloved and venerable and spectacular place. Where every autumn Navratri means Aso Shud Navami in Gujarati means after the midnight of the ninth Navratri, the abhishek of lakhs of pure ghee in the famous palli of Vardayini Mata Ji, millions of future devotees on Vardayini Mata ji’s palli with their faith and the blessings of Vardayini. Every year, the Palli Yatra takes place in the Palli Yatra. There has never been any obstacle in this Palli Yatra, small or big some times someone has questioned or objected to stop this Yatra or its holy ritual, even they have realized the miracle of Vardayini Mataji. Where every autumn Navratri means Aso Shud Navami in Gujarati means Abhishek of lakhs of maunds of pure ghee in the famous Palli of Vardayini Mataji after the midnight of the ninth Navratri. Lakhs of future devotees on the Palli of Vardayini Mata ji, the future devotees who have been consecrated by their faith and thanks to the blessings of Vardayini, take abhisheka in the Palli Yatra every year.
There has never been any obstacle in this Palli Yatra, small or big some times someone has questioned or objected to stop this Yatra or its holy ritual, even they have realized the miracle of Vardayini Mataji. Therefore, the only temple of the mythical holy Vardayini Mata in the world, Sri Vardayini Mata Dev Sthan Sansthan Rupal Village, Gandhinagar, with the support of Mr. Nitin Bhai Patel, President of the Board of Trustees and the entire Board of Trustees, the legendary temple of Vardayini Mata which Finally, the temple was renovated by the Yasshwi king of Patan, Naresh Siddharaj Jaisingh Ji of Gujarat. Today, the temple is worth crores of rupees. Bansi Pahadpuri pink without cost According to stone to Sompura architectural style, beautiful sculptures, beautiful carving work, Apsaras in the round roof of the hall hall of the temple, with their artistic skills, Navadurga and Navadurga in the divine form of Brahmani Mata, who is worshiped according to the date of Navratri.

In Jagatjanani, Vardayini Mata Ji’s Nij Palli Temple has been newly constructed and the sanctum sanctorum of this temple is very captivating in all directions and the vision of Navadurga form is very captivating and the Shiva temple darshan is also inside the assembly mandap. In developing the temple of Vardayini Mataji at Rupal as a beautiful and beautiful holy place of pilgrimage, Sarkar Shri has also got unremitting and unceasing support.

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